竹内康浩さん、「エドガー賞」評論・評伝部門の受賞ならず ペーパーバック・オリジナル部門のナオミ・ヒラハラさんも
今回、評論・評伝部門に北海道大大学院・竹内康浩教授の『Mark X: Who Killed Huck Finn’s Father?(マークX 誰がハック・フィンの父親を殺したか)』が、ペーパーバック・オリジナル部門には日系米国人作家のナオミ・ヒラハラさんの『Hiroshima Boy(ヒロシマ・ボーイ)』がノミネートされていましたが、残念ながら受賞とはなりませんでした。
【評論・評伝部門 候補作】
・The Metaphysical Mysteries of G.K. Chesterton: A Critical Study of the Father Brown Stories and Other Detective ・Fiction by Laird R. Blackwell (McFarland Publishing)
・Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession by Alice Bolin (HarperCollins Publishers – William Morrow Paperbacks)
〔受賞〕 Classic American Crime Fiction of the 1920s by Leslie S. Klinger (Pegasus Books)
・Mark X: Who Killed Huck Finn’s Father? by Yasuhiro Takeuchi (Taylor & Francis – Routledge)
・Agatha Christie: A Mysterious Life by Laura Thompson (Pegasus Books)
【ペーパーバック・オリジナル部門 候補作】
〔受賞〕 If I Die Tonight by Alison Gaylin (HarperCollins Publishers – William Morrow)
・Hiroshima Boy by Naomi Hirahara (Prospect Park Books)
・Under a Dark Sky by Lori Rader-Day (HarperCollins Publishers – William Morrow)
・The Perfect Nanny by Leila Slimani (Penguin Random House – Penguin Books)
・Under My Skin by Lisa Unger (Harlequin – Park Row Books)
Mark X: Who Killed Huck Finn’s Father? (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth Century Literature) (English Edition)
In the summer of 1876, Mark Twain started to write Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a detective novel surrounding the murder of Huck’s father, Pap Finn. The case is unresolved in the novel as it exists today, but Twain had already planted the clue to the identity of the killer. It is not the various objects ostentatiously left around Pap’s naked body; they are not the foreground of the scene, but actually the background, against which a peculiar absence emerges distinctively?Pap’s boots, with a “cross” in one of the heels, are gone with his murderer.
The key to the mystery of Twain’s writings, as this book contends from a broader perspective, is also such an absence. Twain’s persistent reticence about the death of his father, especially the autopsy performed on his naked body, is a crucial clue to understanding his works. It reveals not only the reason why he aborted his vision of Huckleberry Finn as a detective novel, but also why, despite numerous undertakings, he failed to become a master of detective fiction.
謎とき『ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険』: ある未解決殺人事件の深層 (新潮選書)
名作冒険譚は、作者マーク・トウェインのトラウマを描くミステリーだった! 作中、何者かに殺されたハックの父。 その犯人が見つからぬままに終ってしまうのはなぜか? 執拗にくり返される死にまつわる迷信や逸話、その隠喩に込められた真の意味とは? そして周到に仕組まれた結末の「ごまかし」とは? 〝父殺し?という観点で読み直してみると、秘められたトウェインの驚きの過去が露わとなる――。
Hiroshima Boy (The Mas Arai Mystery Series)
LA gardener Mas Arai returns to Hiroshima to bring his best friend’s ashes to a relative on the tiny offshore island of Ino, only to become embroiled in the mysterious death of a teenage boy who was about the same age Mas was when he survived the atomic bomb in 1945. The boy’s death affects the elderly, often-curmudgeonly, always-reluctant sleuth, who cannot return home to Los Angeles until he finds a way to see justice served.
ガサガサ・ガール―庭師マス・アライ事件簿 (小学館文庫)
▼Edgar Awards | Mystery Writers of America
◆【第21回小林秀雄賞・新潮ドキュメント賞】小林秀雄賞は竹内康浩さん&朴舜起さん『謎ときサリンジャー』、新潮ドキュメント賞は鈴木忠平さん『嫌われた監督』が受賞 | 本のページ
◆「自殺」したのは誰なのか? 竹内康浩さん×朴舜起さん『謎ときサリンジャー』が刊行 | 本のページ
◆「エドガー賞」候補作を発表 評論・評伝部門に竹内康浩さん ペーパーバック・オリジナル部門には日系米国人作家のナオミ・ヒラハラさん | 本のページ
◆湊かなえさん『贖罪』、エドガー賞受賞ならず | 本のページ